Deploy a Netflix  Application using Kubernetes Cluster

Deploy a Netflix Application using Kubernetes Cluster

Deploying a Netflix-like application using Kubernetes involves several steps. Netflix is a complex platform with multiple microservices, so I'll provide you with a high-level overview of the process. Keep in mind that this is a simplified guide, and actual implementation might vary based on your specific requirements.

Here's a step-by-step guide to deploying a Netflix-like application using Kubernetes:

  1. Containerize Services: First, you need to containerize each component of your application, such as the frontend, backend services, databases, caches, etc. You can use Docker to create containers for each service.

  2. Create Kubernetes Configurations:

    • Deployments: Create Kubernetes Deployment objects for each microservice. A Deployment manages a set of identical pods, ensuring high availability and scalability.

    • Services: Create Kubernetes Service objects to expose your microservices internally and possibly externally. ClusterIP services for internal communication and LoadBalancer/Ingress for external access are common choices.

  3. Define Kubernetes Resources: Create YAML configuration files for Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, Secrets, etc., specifying resource requirements and environment variables.

  4. Use ConfigMaps and Secrets: Store configuration settings in ConfigMaps and sensitive data (like database passwords) in Secrets. Inject these into your containers as environment variables or volumes.

  5. Set Up Ingress: If you want to expose your services externally, configure Kubernetes Ingress or use an API gateway like Ambassador, Istio, or Traefik.

  6. Persistent Storage: For databases or services that require persistent data, configure Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC).

  7. Auto-scaling: Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to automatically scale your microservices based on resource utilization.

  8. Load Balancing: Utilize Kubernetes' built-in load balancing for distributing traffic across your microservices.

  9. Testing: Thoroughly test your application on a development or staging Kubernetes cluster before deploying to production.

  10. Rolling Updates and Rollbacks: Use Kubernetes' built-in support for rolling updates to deploy new versions of your services without downtime. Make sure you can also perform rollbacks if needed.

  11. High Availability and Failover: Configure your microservices for high availability, including strategies for handling failures and outages.

  12. Caching and Content Delivery: Set up caching mechanisms like Redis or Memcached for performance optimization. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for delivering static assets efficiently.

Remember that deploying a Netflix-like application is a complex task, and this overview provides a general roadmap. You may need to delve deeper into each step based on your application's specific requirements. Also, consider using Kubernetes management tools like Helm to simplify deployment and management of your application.


  1. Create an EC2 instance with t2.medium configuration in the AWS management console.

    1. Install docker in the EC2 instance and verify the docker service is running.

      1. Installing Minikube Cluster by referring to the official document
        given Below:

        Ones configuring the minikube cluster on your server, then start minikube and verify minikube by :

        Next, need to install the Kubectl utility this is CLI with interacts with Pods and verify by following Command.

4. Get the Project code from the GitHub Repository and clone it in your Instance.

Github Repo :

Make sure you have already written the docker file. Create an image out of the docker file and create and run the container out of it.

  1. Next need to Build Docker Image through this Dockerfile.

    1. Now create a docker container and check locally.

    2. Next steps, Need to log in to your Dockerhub Account and push the Docker Images in the Dockerhub Repository.

      1. Now, create the deployment yaml file and give the image name that we have pushed on the Dockerhub Repository.

        1. Run and check the successful running of deployment in the instance and pods are running well.

          1. Create a service.yaml file to connect the node port and access the URL from the outside world.

            and give the pods selectors and labels names.

Run and check the successful running of the service in the instance.

  1. Get the URL and curl it to check the website's accessibility.

  2. Check with Public URL and we can now see the Netflix APP running on the pour server.

  3. This Netflix app shows all the current data running on the actual Netflix app. This is achieved by configuring the API key while creating the container. You can follow the readme. Md file in the GitHub repository.

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